手机运营商The Quest for a Third Mobile Platform
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    Some of the world's biggest handset makers and telecom carriers are embracing alternative mobile operating systems this year in a quest to become credible challengers to smartphones run by Apple Inc. AAPL +2.38% and Google Inc. GOOG +1.87%

    些世界最大的手机制造商和电信运营商今年将支撑不同以往的手机操纵系统,目标是对苹果(Apple Inc.)和谷歌(Google Inc.)支撑的智能手机形成有效挑战。

    These companies are hoping they can outgun attempts by Microsoft Corp. MSFT +0.78% and Research In Motion Ltd. BB.T -0.19% to emerge as a third alternative platform to the iPhone and Android devices, which have a virtual stranglehold on the market.

    这些公司希望,此类新操纵系统的表示可以超过微软(Microsoft Corp.)和Research In Motion Ltd.(RIM),成为可以取代iPhone和安卓(Android)设备的第三种可供选择的平台。iPhone和安卓设备目前几乎对市场具有绝对的控制。

    Manufacturers such as Huawei Technologies Co., LG Electronics Inc. 066570.SE +0.12% and ZTE Corp. 000063.SZ +5.23% are building phones for Mozilla's Firefox OS due out this year with the support of several major carriers.

    华为(Huawei Technologies Co.)、LG电子(LG Electronics Inc.)和中兴通信股份有限公司(ZTE Corp.)等制造商在几家主要运营商的支撑下正在制造搭载Mozilla的火狐操纵系统的手机,并将于今年推出。

    The first mobile phone using Tizen, a system co-developed by Samsung Electronics Co. 005930.SE -0.39% and Intel Corp., INTC -0.21% is slated to be unveiled in the third quarter.

    首款搭载Tizen的手机将于第三季度首次亮相。Tizen是三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)和英特尔(Intel Corp.)联合开发的一款操纵系统。

    London-based Canonical Ltd. is making a smartphone version of its Linux-based computer operating system called Ubuntu, with plans to ship the software on phones through mobile operators in the early part of 2014.

    总部位于伦敦的科能软件股份有限公司(Canonical Ltd)正在开发Linux电脑操纵系统的智能手机版本Ubuntu,计划于2014年年初通过移动运营商在手机上推出这款软件。

    And Jolla Ltd., a Finland startup, plans to launch a smartphone based on its own proprietary 'Sailfish' platform later this year.

    芬兰的始创公司Jolla Ltd.计划今年晚些时候推出基于公司专利“旗鱼”(Sailfish)平台的智能手机。

    Handset makers and telecom operators say diversification is needed to bring down the cost of handsets and subsidies. Some of them also fear that market leader Google is becoming too dominant.


    But any new mobile operating system faces an uphill battle against deep-pocketed early movers Google and Apple.


    In order to gain meaningful market share, a third alternative needs to earn the support of handset manufacturers, carriers and app developers.


    Even some executives of handset makers that are supporting alternative operating systems such as Firefox privately express some skepticism.


    The alternative platforms must be able to attract enough software developers to create good native applications for the devices─something even BlackBerry and Microsoft have been battling to achieve.


    'Adopting a new platform is like an insurance policy and success isn't guaranteed, ' said one executive at a handset maker.


    For years, Samsung and Nokia Corp., NOK1V.HE +2.68% two of the world's biggest handset makers, invested in their own operating systems with little success despite their scale and relationship with carriers because they weren't able to attract developers to create good applications.

    多年以来,世界最大的两个手机制造商──三星和诺基亚(Nokia Corp.)都投资开发了自己的操纵系统,但是即便他们在范围以及与运营商的关系方面都存在优势,仍然没有成功,原因就在于他们不能吸引开发人员开发出好的应用程序。

    Nokia's Symbian and Samsung's Bada had unfriendly user interfaces, slow browsers and they didn't seamlessly sync with other devices. As a result, Nokia ended up dropping the Symbian platform in favor of Microsoft's Windows-based devices. Samsung plans to integrate Bada into Tizen.


    'If Microsoft with almost unlimited resources can't break in, it's going to make someone think twice, ' said Gartner analyst Hugues de la Vergne.

    Gartner的分析师韦尔涅(Hugues de la Vergne)说,如果具有几乎无穷资源的微软都不能有所突破,其他人可能需要三思而后行。

    Last year, Android and Apple's iOS accounted for 87.6% of the 722.4 million smartphones shipped world-wide, up from 68.1% in 2011, according to data from market-research firm IDC.


    Samsung is the single-biggest maker of Android smartphones and will continue to use Google's software for its phones. But J.K. Shin, co-chief executive of Samsung, said the company is also open to other operating platforms like Tizen to give consumers and telecom operators more flexibility.


    三星是安卓智能手机的最大出产商,并将继续在其出产的手机上应用谷歌软件。但三星联席首席执行长申宗均(J.K. Shin)说,该公司对于Tizen等其他操纵平台也持开放立场,目的是向消费者和电信运营商供给更多灵活性。

    To improve its user interface and software for Tizen, Samsung has been luring app developers and software engineers from overseas including India, Mr. Shin said.


    Canonical product manager Richard Collins said that Ubuntu has a growing developer community and it supports native apps.

    Canonical产品经理柯林斯(Richard Collins)说,Ubuntu具有一个日渐壮大的开发人员群体,同时它还支撑原生应用。

    He said Ubuntu makes it quicker and easier to find apps and content than other smartphones by swiping from the screen edges rather than going in and out with the home button to find and switch applications.


    Canonical also has a partnership with Qualcomm Inc. QCOM +0.14% to launch a device that will use the U.S. company's chipsets.

    Canonical还与高通公司(Qualcomm Inc.)合作,将宣布一款应用高通公司芯片组的设备。

    'We want to offer a viable, non-fragmented alternative to Android where both mobile operators and OEMs have a greater degree of flexibility for both service and user interface customization, ' Mr. Collins said.


    Mozilla says lower costs are a key motivation for the new ecosystems. While the developed world has deep penetration of smartphone use, that isn't yet true in emerging markets and having an accessible price point will be important.


    'Several billion people are going to come online in the next few years with their first smartphone, ' said Mozilla Chief Operating Officer Jay Sullivan. The organization expects Firefox OS devices to launch this summer, first in Colombia, Poland, Spain and Venezuela.

    Mozilla首席运营长沙利文(Jay Sullivan)说,未来几年里,将会有数十亿人用自己的第一部智能手机上网。该公司预计搭载火狐操纵系统(Firefox OS)的设备将于今年夏天首先在哥伦比亚、波兰、西班牙和委内瑞拉推出。

    Firefox is based on HTML5 technology that is used on many websites and allows easier integration with the mobile browser.


    Tizen and Ubuntu also use HTML5 in their development, something that should allow applications on both operating systems to be interoperable. More important, HTML5 removes a layer of software from Android, said Mr. Sullivan, and thus drives down the cost of hardware needed to run it.


    Another entrant, Jolla, says its 'Sailfish' platform is a second-generation operating system like BlackBerry's BB10 and is easy to use because it has a gesture-based user interface and is designed to avoid patent litigation.


    'Android is open and can be used by licensees and the user interface can be modified, but these modifications are not supported by Google's release, ' said Jolla Chairman Antti Saarnio. 'Sailfish is designed to support the business partners' business models.'

    Jolla董事长萨尼奥(Antti Saarnio)说,安卓是开放的,只要申请许可便能应用。其用户界面虽然可以修改,但谷歌宣布的更新不支撑这些修改。旗鱼的目的就是支撑业务合作伙伴的业务模式。

    Jolla, established by former Nokia engineers, set up a Hong Kong office last December and is aiming to expand in China with mid-to-high end smartphones.


    'In the short term, these new mobile operating systems will not make a significant dent in the market, ' said Ramon Llamas, research manager at IDC.

    IDC研究负责人拉马斯(Ramon Llamas)说,在短期内,这些新的移动操纵系统不会对市场形成显著影响。

    'But from a long-term perspective, I expect Android to feel more pressure…and until Apple reveals a low-cost iPhone, other operating systems are going to be in a position to take share, ' Mr. Llamas said.


    Telecom carriers are welcoming the new ecosystems.


    'We want the ecosystem to expand. We think that is good for innovation, is great for competition and over time will lower the cost of handsets, ' said Verizon Communications Inc.'s VZ -1.20% Chief Financial Officer Fran Shammo. He expects that new diversity will drive down smartphone prices in the next two to three years.

    Verizon Communications Inc.的首席财务长沙莫(Fran Shammo)说,我们希望生态系统可以扩大。我们认为这对创新有利,对竞争有利,随着时间的推移将下降手机价格。他预计,未来两到三年操纵系统的多元化将下降智能手机的价格。

文章结束给大家分享下程序员的一些笑话语录: 据说有一位软件工程师,一位硬件工程师和一位项目经理同坐车参加研讨会。不幸在从盘山公路下山时坏在半路上了。于是两位工程师和一位经理就如何修车的问题展开了讨论。



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